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Top Tips on how to land your dream job in a short space of time. A short guide about what steps to take to land your dream job.

As a job seeker you may be frustrated looking for a job. With the ‘cost of living’ crisis scare, and volume of lay-offs, you may have doubts about how soon you will land your dream job . You may be thinking that you need to make yourself more marketable to employers and find ways to “stand out” in order to get a job. Well, I can tell you right now, that the secret is not in the job search at all. The secret is in your resume, LinkedIn profile, and how you can get an interview in the first place. This blog will tell you how you can land your dream job sooner than you think.


    • What makes you a great applicant?

There’s no one answer to this question, as the requirements for landing a job offer vary depending on the position and the company., but the most important thing is to figure out what makes YOU stand out as an applicant. After all, if there’s something about you that would make an employer want to hire you specifically, then there are things you can do to show them that! What makes you different from everyone else who’s applying? What sets you apart from other applicants? Once you figure out what makes you unique and special as an application, then it will be easier for employers and recruiters to see why they should choose you over all the rest!

There are a few things that are generally required in order to stand out for a job: 

        • A resume 
        • A cover letter
        • The application
        • The interview. 

In some cases, you may also need to take a skills test or provide references. The best way to find out what’s required for a specific job is to research the company and position beforehand.

You’re a great applicant when you have skills and experience that directly relate to the job. However, that’s not always the most important factor it’s also important to have the right attitude—if you’re the kind of person who wants to learn and develop, that can go a long way!


    •  What do you need to land a job offer?

A good resume, cover letter, and interview skills are the three things that make up a good job applicant. Your resume is your first impression to a potential employer. It should be well organised, clearly written and properly formatted. Your cover letter should be short and concise while outlining your qualifications for the position you are applying for. In some cases, companies request for your Linkedin profile or social media handles. Your Linked In profile should stand out and outline your skills, past roles, key achievements and responsibilities. Ensure you have a personalised banner, and highlight your preferred job title in your Linked In title and don’t forget to have a clear and professional Linked In picture . You should also consider requesting recommendations from previous employers to boost your credibility. The interview is where you can show off your personality and how well you communicate with others by answering questions in a professional manner but also remembering to be yourself. If an employer likes what they see during the interview process, chances are they will offer you the position!


    • Nailing the interview process

You’ve got the interview. Now you just need to seal the deal—and that means nailing the interview and getting a job offer!
During an interview, employers look at three things: skills, cultural fit and lastly experience/education level (if applicable). So make sure you have examples ready to talk about each one of these things as they relate specifically to this particular role if asked directly about them during an interview!
Interview Requirements

There are many things that you need to prepare for when you’re going to an interview. One of the most important is to make sure that you know exactly what the job entails. You should also prepare for questions about your past employment history by doing some research on the company before going into the interview. This will help you answer questions more confidently, and it will also show them that you have done some research on their organisation. The day before the interview, it’s a good idea to practise answering common interview questions so that they come more easily when they’re asked by an interviewer. We also advise asking for feedback directly after the interview to gauge how well you’ve done, and to help you answer any questions the employer may have.


    • Do an interview follow-up

Interview follow-ups are a critical part of the interview process  whether it is to thank the interviewer for their time or to reiterate your interest in the position. The best way to get a job is to make sure that you are memorable, and an interview follow-up is an excellent way to do that.

When you do an interview follow-up, it shows that you are passionate about the position and want it bad enough to go above and beyond what may be expected of you. That kind of dedication can really set you apart from other candidates, especially if they don’t take the time to follow up with their interviewer!

A follow-up shows that you are professional and courteous, and it may even give you the opportunity to address any concerns the interviewer may have about your qualifications and gives you another chance to reinforce your credentials for the job. You can reiterate why you’re interested in the position, highlight any specific skills or experience you have that’s relevant for this role, and show how much thought went into preparing for the interview by asking questions about whether there’s anything else they’d like from candidates before making their final decision regarding who gets hired for this position.

In addition, a follow-up allows you to keep your name in front of the interviewer and reminds them of your skills and qualifications.


    • Handling Rejections

Interview follow-ups are a critical part of the interview process whether it is to thank the interviewer for their time or to reiterate your interest in the position. The best way to get a job is to make sure that you are memorable, and an interview follow-up is an excellent way to do that.
When you do an interview follow-up, it shows that you are passionate about the position and want it bad enough to go above and beyond what may be expected of you. That kind of dedication can really set you apart from other candidates, especially if they don’t take the time to follow up with their interviewer!
A follow-up shows that you are professional and courteous, and it may even give you the opportunity to address any concerns the interviewer may have about your qualifications and gives you another chance to reinforce your credentials for the job. You can reiterate why you’re interested in the position, highlight any specific skills or experience you have that’s relevant for this role, and show how much thought went into preparing for the interview by asking questions about whether there’s anything else they’d like from candidates before making their final decision regarding who gets hired for this position.
In addition, a follow-up allows you to keep your name in front of the interviewer and reminds them of your skills and qualifications.


    • How to handle a job offer negotiation

After the initial interview, you’ve been offered a job! You’re thrilled, but you still want to make sure that you get the best possible terms. Here are some tips on how to handle job offer negotiations:
When negotiating a job offer, remember that you’re in the driver’s seat. The employer wants you, and they are willing to meet your terms—and if they aren’t, then maybe the job isn’t right for you.
The first thing to do is review the offer letter and make sure it includes all the information you need. If any parts are missing or unclear, ask your recruiter or HR representative for clarification before proceeding.
Once you have everything straightened out, it’s time to think about what kind of salary increase you want. If you feel like your salary should be higher than what was offered in the letter, consider asking for a higher base salary with a lower bonus or commission structure. Or vice versa—if the base salary is already high but there’s room for more performance-based compensation based on something like meeting sales goals or hitting deadlines on projects, consider negotiating that instead of asking for more money up front.

Once you’ve decided on what kind of increase or bonus structure would work best for both parties involved (and after checking with your spouse/partner/family members if applicable), send an email to your HR representative.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate, but don’t over-negotiate. Remember that you are negotiating from a position of power, and that you can always walk away from an offer if it’s not what you want. But remember also that your future employer needs you as much as (or maybe even more than) you need them—so don’t go too far in trying to get everything under the sun, especially if it isn’t in line with the position’s requirements or your own professional goals.

Don’t take too long to decide if an offer is acceptable or not—unless there are extenuating circumstances (like a sudden change in finances), most companies won’t want to wait forever for an answer from you. They may just move onto other candidates if they haven’t heard anything from you after a certain amount of time, even if that means losing out on good talent! And once they find someone else who will accept their offer without negotiation? That’s it! You’re out of luck!



We know that many people who visit our blog are looking for jobs. We hope that you’ve found this blog post helpful. There are a lot of factors that can affect how quickly you get hired, but the main thing that you need to be doing is making sure that you are consistently submitting updated resumes to as many employers as possible. Our blog post about how to get a job offer can help you learn more about that. If you have any other questions about getting hired faster, please contact us anytime at ___. Thank you for reading, we are always excited when one of our posts is able to provide useful information on a topic like this!

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