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Interview preparation; Best Practices

If you have an interview coming up, congratulations! This is an exciting step in your career journey. An interview can make or break your chances of getting hired, so it’s important to be prepared. No matter how much experience you have, interviews can be nerve-wracking. You want to make a good impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the job. The key to nailing any interview is preparation. By taking the time to prepare for your interview, you will be able to exude confidence and land the job of your dreams. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for an interview:


      •  Do your research

Before your interview, it is important to do your research about the company and the role you are applying for. Review the company’s website and read through their mission statement and values. Familiarize yourself with the job description and think of examples that demonstrate why you are a good fit for the role. Having this knowledge will help you ask informed questions during your interview and show that you are truly interested in working for the company.


      •  Practice, practice, practice

One of the best ways to calm nerves before an interview is to practice answering common interview questions out loud. You can also role-play with a friend or family member where they pretend to be the interviewer and ask you tough questions. Practicing beforehand will help you feel more prepared when it comes time for your real interview.


      • Dress for success

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to interviews. Make sure to dress professionally in clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable. Avoid wearing anything too revealing or inappropriate– remember, you want the interviewer to focus on your qualifications, not your outfit! You don’t want to go overboard or underdo it
By following these tips, you will be well on your way to acing your upcoming interview.


      • Required documents

Make sure you have all your paperwork ready when you arrive at the interview—make sure your resume is up-to-date, and bring any other documents that might be requested (like a cover letter or references). Even though this may seem old school, it is better to have them than not having them.


      • Be punctual:

Arriving late to an interview is never a good idea. It makes a bad first impression and shows that you don’t respect other people’s time. Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early so that you have time to relax before the meeting starts.


      • Possible Interview Questions

Interview questions are generally tailored toward the job role and qualifications. But there are certain general questions that you can look out for. Be prepared for some basic questions about yourself:

          • Why did you choose to work in XYZ?
          • What do you like about XYZ Role?
          • Why are you passionate about XYZ?
          • Why are you interested in this opportunity?
          • How have you previously responded under pressure?
          • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
          • What are some examples of projects or tasks where you’ve demonstrated strengths?
  • Be prepared for behavioural questions such as “Tell me about a time when…” or “Describe a project where…” These questions give them insight into how well you’d add to their company culture and how well suited for the position you might be.


      • Be positive and confident: 

It’s normal to be nervous during an interview, but try to focus on the positive and project confidence. This will help put the interviewer at ease and allow them to see your true capabilities. Be calm and relaxed before you answer any question. Being tense will only make you make mistakes.


      • Ask questions:

Asking thoughtful questions shows that you’re engaged in the conversation and interested in learning more about both the job and the company. Prepare a few questions ahead of time so that you don’t freeze up when it comes time to ask them.


      • Follow up: 

After your interview, take some time to write a thank-you note or email expressing your appreciation for the opportunity and reaffirming your interest in the position. A follow-up shows that you are professional and courteous, and it may even give you the opportunity to address any concerns the interviewer may have about your qualifications and gives you another chance to reinforce your credentials for the job. You can reiterate why you’re interested in the position, highlight any specific skills or experience you have that’s relevant for this role, and show how much thought went into preparing for the interview by asking questions about whether there’s anything else they’d like from candidates before making their final decision regarding who gets hired for this position.


If you have an interview coming up and you require hands on support, book a one to one session with our Founder, who has hands on experience in interviewing and hiring –


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