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Why creating Vision boards will help you with your career progression

With all the information that’s available on the internet, you’d think we’d all be superstars at work. But a lot of people struggle to develop themselves beyond their present level. This can often be because they don’t know what they want from their careers, or how to get it. If you’re looking to advance your career, setting goals and taking actionable steps is crucial. But sometimes, it’s easy to get bogged down by the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the big picture. That’s where vision boards come in. Creating a visual representation of your goals can help you stay focused, motivated, and on track. Vision boards are a powerful tool for self-development because they help us picture ourselves in different roles and take action towards them. In this post, I’ll explain what vision boards are and why you should create one if you’re looking to progress in your career! 

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. It is a collage of images, quotes, and other visual representations that help you manifest your goals and aspirations. It’s a tool for visualizing the future you want to create, whether that’s a successful career, a fulfilling personal life, or anything in between.  

A lot of people don’t know what a vision board is, but it’s very simple: it’s just something that helps you focus on what you want, so that when the time comes for you to get what you want (whether it be in life or career), it will be easier for us because we already have an idea of where we’re going and how far away from our destination we currently are.

There are many different types of vision boards – some people prefer physical ones made out of paper or cardboard; others like digital ones created on their computers using software such as Pinterest or Canva


How Vision Boards Can Help You Progress in Your Career


Clarifying Your Goals

One of the most significant benefits of creating a vision board is that it helps you clarify your goals. When you’re forced to articulate what you want in a visual way, it can be easier to pinpoint exactly what you’re striving for. You might find that you’re not as clear as you thought you were, or you might discover new goals you hadn’t considered before.


Staying Focused

A vision board is a constant reminder of what you’re working towards. When you have a clear vision of your future, it’s easier to stay focused and motivated, even when you encounter obstacles or setbacks. Every time you look at your vision board, you’re reinforcing your commitment to your goals.


Building Momentum

Creating a vision board is just the first step. To achieve your goals, you’ll need to take action. But the act of creating a vision board can be a powerful motivator. Once you’ve put in the effort to create a visual representation of your goals, you’re more likely to take action towards achieving them.



Visualization is a powerful technique used by athletes, entrepreneurs, and other high achievers to help them reach their goals. When you visualize yourself achieving your goals, it becomes easier to see the steps you need to take to get there. Your vision board is a tangible representation of that visualization.


Overcoming Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be a major obstacle to career progression. When you’re faced with challenges, it’s easy to doubt your abilities and lose confidence in yourself. Your vision board can be a powerful tool for overcoming self-doubt. When you’re feeling discouraged, take a look at your vision board and remind yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing.


How to Create a Vision Board

Creating a vision board is a simple process. Here are the steps to get started:

Gather your materials. You’ll need a board, pictures, quotes, and any other visual representations that inspire you.

Choose your focus. Decide what you want to achieve in your career and select images that represent those goals. Create your collage. Arrange your images and quotes on your board in a way that’s visually pleasing and inspiring.

Display your vision board. Hang your vision board in a place where you’ll see it often, such as your office or bedroom.



Vision boards are a powerful tool for self-development. They can help you to achieve your goals, focus on what’s important to you and plan your life. They also help you stay motivated by reminding yourself of what it is that drives and motivates you. If you’re looking for a way to improve your career and life, vision boards can be a great place to start. 

Creating a vision board is a simple but powerful tool for career progression. By clarifying your goals, staying focused, building momentum, visualizing success, and overcoming self-doubt, you can take actionable steps towards achieving your career aspirations. Give it a try, and see how a vision board can help you take your career to the next level.

Click on this link to secure a spot on our vision board night.

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